Thursday, October 22, 2015

11th Hike - Turkeys!

I decided today to hike the little piece between Mono 7th Line and 5th Line as we missed this piece for wanting to catch a view on the last hike. I figured this would be great because it didn't look like much on the map, and I figured that Clarence wouldn't really miss anything. WRONG!!!

I parked just off Airport Road on the 7th Line, the same parking lot we used last Monday. As usual, there was the stile over the fence by the road. This time, however, there wasn't a little "dog door" so the dogs had to climb up and go over themselves.
We walked along the road and were treated to a lovely view.
From the road we went into a little forest, and passed through meadows.
Near the end was a gorgeous little grove given the title of "Dr. Philip Gosling Nature Reserve". It turns out that Dr. Gosling was one of the founders of the Bruce Trail.
Enjoying a little drink along the way. We could hardly find the stream for all the leaves in it :)

The house near the end of this piece had some lovely landscaping items!

From here we found the parking lot on the 5th Line.

I am learning to appreciate God's nature more and more as we go through these hikes. Something as simple as milkweed is taking on a new fascination as I watch it go through the different seasons, from the heady perfume of the blossoms in the summer to the light, gossamer like seeds flying in the autumn wind.

I have also been slightly surprised to find all the wild apple trees. I just never realized how many there were, and have found that walking on mushy apples can be quite treacherous.

Now, when we hike these trails, we are not usually treated to view much wildlife because of the dogs. I'm sure they can hear us coming a mile away. However, today, I found a flock of turkeys!!!! There were at least 5 of them, but it was hard to get photographs through the trees.
Once again, it was a great time!

Monday, October 19, 2015

10th Hike - October is to photographers.....

The saying goes..."October is to photographers what April is to accountants." However, I don't think accountants enjoy themselves this much in April :).  For our latest hike, I am happy to report that I am learning to read topographical maps. When the lines are really close together, there will likely be a steep cliff. Of course, this also means that there will probably be a great view at the top of said cliff, which is exactly what we were looking for on this fine fall afternoon!

We started our journey at Airport Road and 7th line. There was a great little parking lot (something we are learning to appreciate more and more). After hiking through a relatively flat spot around a lovely home, we were indeed treated to a fantastic view. This is is the area of the headwaters of the Humber River.

As we made our way through the forest, we were treated to a woodland leaf carpet. While it made for some excellent decorating on God's part, we found a new difficulty with slippery leaves and covered rocks. My guess is this is just a little taste of what is in store in the winter months.


Scruffy found this great deer stand. It even included a barbeque!

A little bit of a different "Don't hike here" sign.

We found Highway #9! From here we turned around and followed the trail back to the car.

After we made it back to the cliff we were stunned to realize that the wind was gusting at around 50-60 kms/hr. It had been so quiet and muffled in the forest. The milkweed seeds looked like snow flying through the air.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

9th Hike - Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving we decided to head north to the Nottawasaga Bluffs. We had thought about going south towards Hamilton, but Clarence (smart guy!), didn't want to fight all the crowds. What a great decision! We both agreed that this was the best hike so far.

Thanksgiving Day was 22°C, sunny and windy. Absolutely gorgeous weather!!!!
There was an amazing side trail called the Keyhole Side Trail. It took us right into the fissures and crevices...a place where Scruffy didn't want to go (he had to be carried).

The piece ended by squeezing through this little hole in the rock.

The dogs were happy to find a little stream along the way.

After getting a little lost (it was hard to find the Bruce Trail markings and we kept taking the Nottawasaga Bluffs Conservation Area trails), we came into the open to find a most spectacular autumn view.

Yup, definitely one of those "take your breath away" moments. Who could help but be thankful to a Great Creator for beauty like this!
From here on the hike followed the bluffs for a while and then headed around a farmer's field. We took an "unimproved" road to get back to the parking lot.

Personally I got quite a giggle out of this laying in the forest, very close to someone's deer stand :)

Till next time, blessings!